
Can Parents Agree to Another Child Support Amount?

Although New York does have formulas and guidelines that are used to determine child support, parents can also set up their own amount if they both agree to it. This amount can be more or less than the basic child support obligation, but there are a few stipulations in pursuing this route: The agreement has…


What is Separate Property in New York Divorce Asset Distribution?

During the process of marriage dissolution in New York, one of the most important factors influencing the case is determining how the assets will be divided.  The first stage in the procedure for asset distribution is to itemize all of the various properties associated with the married couple.  During the second stage, the assets are…


Can I Modify an Order Related to My Divorce?

Unfortunately, not all divorce disputes end when the divorce decree is finalized.  Post-divorce disputes can reignite negative feelings related to the marriage dissolution, especially when it’s an issue of enforcement.  Many times divorce modifications can be handled amicably by a New York divorce attorney, such as situations where there has been a change in finances…