
Get Support From Your Family Attorney

family attorneyIn many ways, going through a divorce is about starting a new chapter in your life. It is a time for personal evaluation and for making adjustments. Working with a compassionate family attorney will help you sort out all the legal matters pertaining to dividing property. However, that same family lawyer can also provide you with support when it comes to developing a parenting plan. This is set of suggested guidelines for you and your spouse to utilize in parenting your children.

Reassuring Your Children

One of the areas that your family attorney will encourage you to work on is with reassuring your children. Your children know their world is changing, and sometimes this change can be traumatic. Your family lawyer will recommend that you constantly reinforce the idea that the children will always be taken care of and that they are loved by both parents. You can explain what divorce means in terms of living separate lives, but you don’t have to get into the specifics of why you and your spouse are apart. The kids just need to know that their needs will be met.

Your family attorney will also stress how vital it is to maintain a routine with your children. There is a tendency to overcompensate with treats and presents. Instead, the children will feel safer knowing they are going to bed and having meals at the same time as before the divorce.

Depend on the Experience of Your Family Attorney

Your lawyer will have a lot of experience handling divorces. You can depend on them to share all their wisdom. Family attorney Donald Wall is standing by to help you through this difficult transition. Call his office today at 212-695-6008 to discuss your current situation.